When discussing equities, we refer to the trading of stocks or shares of publicly-traded companies from around the world, for corporations such as Microsoft, Boeing or Pfizer.
When individuals buy stocks or shares in these companies, it defines the amount of interest a person holds in ownership in a corporation. The term stocks and shares are used interchangeably when talking about the topic, due to the fact they share similar meanings, with corporate stock represented by shares


Unlike traditional stock trading, at FXLink Capital we offer clients the opportunity to trade equities though the price movements of CFD trading (contract for difference). A CFD is a contract between two entities, such as a buyer and a seller. When applied to equities, such as those listed below, this type of contract allows traders to speculate on the movement of a specific share price, without having ownership of the share in question
CFD trading with FXLink Capital is fast and easy, whilst removing the need to trade through a stock broker. With a CFD contract you are not trading per pip movement of the share price, but are buying or selling a fixed amount of CFDs, which is comparable to a number of shares. It is important to note that no physical share transaction takes place during this process.


CFDs on Stocks



  • Is the swap charge “rollover interest” which will appear under the name of Admin Charge in the account history tab.
  • Subject to change anytime without prior notice.
  • Applies on all accounts type, even SWAP-free accounts.


  • All above instruments are on market execution
  • Fully Automated
  • All times are based on FXLink Capital Server time
  • Subject to change without prior notice
    No commission charged for all above products